The Foodbank of Southern California

Promote Team Building and Employee Engagement with The Foodbank

Studies show that employees are 80% more fulfilled when they have an opportunity to make a positive impact on social issues.  The Foodbank of Southern California has many opportunities that align with your philanthropic goals and provide your staff a chance to make a real difference in the lives of food insecure children, adults, seniors  and families.

We look forward to working with your company select the right partnership opportunity with The Foodbank. The Foodbank can leverage your financial support so that for every $1 donated, the Foodbank is able to provide the equivalent of 4 meals.

FB truck- real photo


Your company can sponsor one of our Foodbank vehicles or underwrite other opportunities, such as mobile food distributions and special events.  Vehicle sponsorships are a great opportunity to advertise your brand and communicate your commitment to feeding people in need.

Virtual Food Drive

Virtual Food Drives

Engage your employees and encourage a culture of philanthropy! Enlist your team in raising funds to provide healthy, nourishing food with on online Virtual Food Drive. We’ll provide a campaign toolkit and lots of help all along the way. Virtual Food Drives will be coming soon.

Traditional Food Drives

Should you want to hold a more traditional food drive, you can collect nonperishable food to be distributed through The Foodbank to our partner agencies. We can provide barrels and a list of suggested items to make it easy and hassle-free.

Matching Gifts/Workplace Giving

Inspire and ignite your employees and customers to participate in your workplace giving campaign and matching-gift programs.

Team of Volunteers

Volunteer Teams

We provide great team-building opportunities at our Mobile Food Pantries and in our warehouse distribution center. Groups from 5 to 15 welcome.


Our corporate and foundation grantors provide crucial support, ranging from underwriting specific programs and initiatives to general operating support.

Cash Register Round Up

At point of purchase, retail shoppers can have the option of adding a  donation or rounding to the nearest dollar. The funds raised then go to the Foodbank to feed people in need.

To discuss partnership opportunities, call
(562) 435-3377

Make A Contribution To Stamp Out Hunger

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